Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Blog Post #4 EOTO: Communication Technologies Timeline

 The History and Use of Wi-Fi

It is hard to imagine our world when we couldn't just pick up our cellphones and text each other to find out what the other is doing. It was a little more difficult when we had carrier pigeons and had to wait a few days to see when that person would be free. Over time, we have experienced a massive jump in communication technologies. Starting at petroglyphs back in Egypt to everything we now know and use today. For our beloved mobile devices to work, we rely on wireless networks such as Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is an integral part of our modern communication and invaluable to our media practices. In terms of infrastructural importance, Wi-Fi is as valuable to communication technologies as water is to us. 

So what is Wi-Fi exactly? The invention of Wi-Fi came out of research involving radio astronomy and complex mathematics. This wireless networking technology allows devices such as mobile phones, laptops, etc. to interface with the Internet. Wi-Fi uses radio waves to provide high speed Internet access. Once a transmitter receives data from the internet, the data is converted into a radio signal that can be received by Wi-Fi enabled devices. Information can then be exchanged from the transmitter to the device. 

For some background and history information, Vic Hayes is commonly referred to as the Father of Wi-Fi. When Wi-Fi was first invented and released for consumers, the committee called 802.11 was created. Vic Hayes was the head of the committee that introduced the international standard for wireless networking in 1977. 802.11 led to the creation of IEEE802.11 which is the set of standards that define communication for wireless local area networks. It is difficult to land on one inventor of Wi-Fi because there is various components that go into technology such as this. Dr. John O’ Sullivan, an Australian engineer, also led a team of inventors who developed Wi-Fi technology. They were tasked with finding a way for computers to communicate without the use of wires. As computers became portable, the standard of wireless networking was necessary to develop the wireless industry. The engineers used their experience to interpret and manage the behavior of radio waves in different environments.
Wi-Fi was ultimately invented to address the issue of device connectivity over long-distances. Moreover, Wi-Fi bridges the digital divide in rural and isolated geographies. The main goal is to have everyone and everything everywhere connected. Wi-Fi allows us to have internet connection among all of our mobile devices, which ensures easy and convenient communication. The inherent strength that Wi-Fi possesses has made it a key driver of digital resilience and innovation, providing benefits for established and developing economies. This constant access to free internet is an important platform and has become critical to economic resiliency

Wi-Fi has become indispensable for home networking, public internet connectivity, and all of our digital needs. According to Sage Journals, in 2018, there were 169 million public Wi-Fi hotspots worldwide. By 2023, 628 million public Wi-Fi hotspots are predicted to be available. Wi-Fi has connected everyone; families, governments, and global organizations depend on this wireless network every single day. The invention of Wi-Fi has aided in transforming our educational system, extended the abilities of our healthcare workers, assisted in the invention of new technologies, and so much more. Wi-Fi has become the standard for our society, we are built on constant communication and access to information 24/7. Everyone accesses Wi-Fi at some point during their day. As a student, I have used it to send documents to the printer and I am able to sit outside to do my work because the Wi-Fi connection from inside reaches my laptop. 

The only downfall to the invention Wi-Fi is that we rely so heavily on technology. We are not able to make it through our day without using the internet, causing our attention span to diminish along with a lack of immediate knowledge. As convenient as constant internet access is, we do abuse the power of it and sometimes forget how to enjoy the world around us.

Wi-Fi is what keeps us going each day, technologically speaking. You are able to do your schoolwork, online shop, scroll through your favorite websites, etc. all because of it. The invention of this wireless connection was just the beginning for many more further technological developments. Wireless advancements such as Wi-Fi will continue to accompany the latest and greatest inventions of our time.  

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